This is a picture of Sierra before her arrival which is still over a month away. I have guessed that she will be here March 11th (her due date is the March 17) and weigh 6.7 pounds and have red hair and brown eyes like her Grandma (I'm going to have Sierra call me ma-ma). Meagan guessed 15 pounds blonde hair and blue eyes. Now she is saying blonde changing to red or red changing to blonde. Meagan's guess for tonight is I don't know. Kyle thinks bigger than 6.7 pounds. I'll post an update later on about this. =)
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Shes already growing up fast..
shes making waves in my belly :]
&& you need a new blog its been a few since you've updated..
<3 the mommie of Sierra <3
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