Oh I wanted to make sure that I said this was Wednesday ... I've been thinking all day long it is Thursday so I've lost a day somewhere. LOL
Well going to start back today where I stopped last time I blogged. :) I did finish the topic I was on and was fixing to start in on something else so that is where I'm starting today. :) Hope that anything that I write doesn't make anyone who might be reading mad. :) Here goes ...
Lets see now I'm going to try to go from memory. I had gone to bed some what earlier on May 20th because it had been an exhausting day. Well my phone rang some time after 12 and by the time I heard it, it stopped but then it rang again. It was my sister calling to tell me her husband had been arrested. So as you can imagine that woke me up wide away. The girls were on their way to Easley to stay with the grandparents and my sister kept the baby with her because she breast feeds. Well her husband was arrested for CDV (Criminal Domestic Violence) which in my own opinion was long over due ... which to hear my sister tell it you'd think different. The only reason he was arrested this time was that someone else called the cops. Now she might correct me if I'm wrong so I'm going to keep on. I've very grateful for the couple that she did call and them calling the police. :) I got off the phone with my sister after telling her she needed to get some rest because she was going to be in for some long days ahead. I tried to go back to sleep but it just didn't happen, so once morning time came I got up and got ready like I would normally do and got my son up and on his way to school and I called my boss and left him a message that I needed to take the day off that something was going on with my sister and I needed to be there for her. I had already called my sister and talked to her and told her just to come to my house and we'd take my car to town. So I waited and waited on my sister to come so we could go get the things done that she needed to get done so we could go to her house and get it cleaned up. Oh yeah that was the other thing the cop told her that he was giving her until Friday to have the home cleaned up, and they took pictures of everything. We did everything that we could at town and got to her house after lunch. Oh boy let me tell you ... I called two of my friends to see if they could come and help after work and they did :) and when we left I think it was almost dark on Wednesday evening and I didn't feel like we had gotten much done but it was some better than when I first got there. :) I also called and talked with my boss on Wednesday afternoon to ask for Thursday off which he said would be fine but that I had to be back at work on Friday. So now it's Thursday May 22nd and I head back out to my sisters house to get started back cleaning and I had it set up so Meagan could come and help and she worked from 10:30 am to 9:30 pm that day. Also my two friends came back after they had said they wouldn't be able to because of work schedules but it worked out to where they could come back after work. We got lots done on Thursday or so I think we did. Meagan got the girls room cleaned and then I got her started on the kitchen with me. So by Thursday you could sit down in the living room where ever you wanted to sit, the bathroom was clean as well as the hallway and the girls room. The kitchen was taking shape as well. :) I ended up exploding that evening but I am not going to share those details here because even though everything I was saying was true it was just something that needed to be said and now that is done and over with, but I will tell you I don't think I've ever been as mad or upset as I was that evening and I never want to be again. Then on Friday of course I had to go back to work and my sister had a friend of hers daughter come and help her out with the house, they worked on getting things put in proper places and making coverings for the cabinets and all. She also got the dryer from the building brought up and hooked up and the one that wasn't working put outside. :) I didn't go back until Monday (May 26th) right before lunch so that I could take all the clean clothes back to my sisters house. My mom had came on Wednesday and Thursday and picked up dirty clothes to take home and wash for me. I picked the clothes up on Friday from my mom and then on Saturday I sorted the clothes by sizes and seasons and packed them in boxes or totes. Now all these boxes and totes wouldn't fit in my car so I had to get a friend to help me take them out to my sisters. Oh yeah and when I bought the totes I also bought a curtain rod and curtain for the girls room. :) Let me tell you the girls were very excited about it too. Well I took Lydia with me and we went to lunch w/one of my friends and then we went grocery shopping. Back at my house I decided that I would cook (ha ha funny I know but I can cook) for them so my sister wouldn't have to worry about that. Now let me tell you I burned my arm but that's nothing new any time I cook I get burned but this was the worst one in a long time. My arm hurt all night long!!! Its been 9 days since I burnt my arm and it's finally healing but you can still see it. :( Now I'm going to fast forward to Thursday May 29th ... I had counseling which by the way is still going good don't think I'll have to go much longer but there's still one issue that I need to deal with before I stop. This was the first night for me to keep all three girls. Well a friend of mine took the 2 oldest (ages 5 and 3) while I took the 4 month old with me to my counseling and that is when things got interesting .... we (me, my son, and the baby) got trapped in the elevator. :( Long story short we got out, I went to counseling, let there to go pick up the other 2 girls from McDonald's and we headed home for baths and bed .... now that was interesting. I think I was just so stressed that everyone could just tell and it stressed them but things went very well I thought for the first night. Then I had them on Friday May 30th and we went to out to eat w/my daughter and one of my friends. Let there and went by the drug store and then home ... and guess what all 4 of us had a bath before 9 pm. LOL I had the older too jump in after I gave the baby a bath. :) The girls I know thought I was crazy cause I set the bottle in the bathtub while I bathed the baby. LOL While the other 2 got there bath I sat there and fed the baby and she fell asleep. Got her laid down the girls out and settled to watch some TV while I got my bath and then we watched a movie until we fell asleep. :) I watched the girls until Saturday afternoon so that my sister could catch some zzzz's and then we went to the grocery store and then I headed home to put up groceries and rest. Sunday of course was church and then my normal Sunday routine. :) Then there was Monday :( June 2nd first day of the month at work so I was a busy bee. :) I either called or sent my sister a message to please get the girls their baths before I got them because I wasn't going to be able to handle that. :( Well let me tell you our evening went great ... I cooked mini cheeseburgers which I don't think Lydia liked at all. Got the kitchen cleaned up, the baby fed and we watched about 30 minutes of TV then it was bed time. I told my sister how much easier the evening was with her giving the girls a bath so I think she is going to continue that for me. :) Matthew is finally coming around and having something to do with the girls. :) I think I have that figured out though and I've talked with my sister about it and she says that WILL NOT happen. Reason I think Matthew has been avoiding the girls is that he thinks if he gets close he'll get hurt. Let me explain ... anything he's ever gotten close to except for me has gone out of his life suddenly and he doesn't understand the why or reasoning behind it he just knows it hurts like crazy to put it nicely. You know one day he had a dad the next thing he knew he was gone. Then there was Tommy for lets say 6 yrs maybe more and he just out of the blue quit seeing us. So the only thing he knows that is constant in his life is me .... guess that's why he is such a mama's boy. :-) I'm not going to complain even though it can drive you crazy at times, better enjoy it while I can. Well I think I'm update to date on everything that my mind can remember. Oh yeah my son lost his phone in the lake Memorial Day weekend so we had to go get him another phone last night. :( I was going to try to make it to church tonight but I don't think I can make that happen. I've got to take Matthew to his cousins tonight which will make things a little easier on me the rest of the week. (Shame shame on me for even saying that and thinking that) My sister has her start up counseling session tomorrow night which is kind of a get to know you and what's going on and why are you here sort of thing and the girls are going to be in counseling too. :) I'm meeting her when I get off work so that I can watch the girls while she chats with the counselor. Then on Friday I'll get the girls after I get off work and then I'm guessing my sister is picking them up on her way home because they are spending Saturday and Sunday with one of Katie Grace's friends. I'll keep the baby those 2 nights. Then it looks like I'll have them on the 12th and 13th of June.
Well I think I better stop here before I get fired. ~LaTeR~
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