Wednesday, March 19, 2008

It's Wednesday and I'm think I can't wait until Thursday at 5 pm. I just couldn't seem to pull myself out of bed this morning ... my son actually woke me up this morning. I guess I thought it was the Holiday Inn LOL, but I was actually early for work. Now I am wishing that my son didn't have school on Friday so I could sleep late.

I didn't get much accomplished last night, but I did get to go walk. There was a very pretty solid white cat that ended up following and that was pretty interesting. My crazy dog acted like she was scared of it and jumped one time. I'm thinking this cat was use to being around dogs and thank goodness Precious had been brought up around one before we got her. I was telling my son and he was like oh boy we can get a cat and Precious won't mind. I don't think so it's either one or the other but not both. :) I had tried to talk him into a cat before we moved but he wanted to keep Precious. I'm just not crazy about dogs at all but she is a trip sometimes.

Church is tonight and I'm hoping the weather isn't going to be too bad. It's not suppose to be bad like it was over the weekend which is very good. I've still got the blankets in my closet from Saturday. It's already started raining here in Abbeville but it's not bad at all (just looks like a very light rain). Tomorrow evening we have counseling and my son isn't looking forward to that at all.

Can you believe that when I went to pick my son from my parents this afternoon that they wanted to know what I was doing about my divorce. Said I needed to be finding someone who knew who that car belonged too and someone that knew for a fact that a girl lived there. That just made me so very MAD!!!!!! I just walked out ... he called not long after I got home I figured to see if I would answer my phone or not.

God is Good, He is still in Control, and He is worthy to be Honored and Praised!!!