Tuesday, April 22, 2008

So far this has been a stressful day and I'm trying very hard not to let this get to me. It started out before leaving home ... I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed, then after we did get on the road I got all the way to the High School, and had to turn around and go back home. I didn't have my badge to get in at work or at least I didn't think I had it but after going back home and not finding it we found it in my purse. I didn't really start stressing until after I let Matthew out and I got behind a lady that wouldn't go the speed limit and I couldn't pass her any where. :( So I was late for work which was my own fault. I should have gotten up on time. :( Oh and once I did get to work of all mornings a boss was sitting in my office chatting with one of my co-workers. (Of all mornings)

After work yesterday I picked up my son and we hurried to the Shepherd's Shoppe to get my mom a gift certificate instead of trying to pick out another book. :) I forgot to go by the CVS on the way home. :( Got home got a load of clothes started and watered the back yard then waited on my sister and her girls so we could go walk. (I actually worked a few pieces on the puzzle I am working on.) We ended up not walking until almost 7 last night so that threw the whole night off, and at 10:30 I was still wide away. I normally can go right to sleep when my head hits the pillows but not last night. :) I think that has a lot to do with the OCD getting off schedule just throws everything off. I forgot all about the clothes I had started so Matthew would have something to wear today, but at least I remembered before I went to bed to put them in the dryer. :) After we walked we went to Chick-fil-A to eat ... one of my nieces had a fit because the other niece was going to ride with me so after my son called to find out where I was because I had told him I was on the way I just put both girls in my car and let her win. I was telling her on the way that yeah she got her way this time but it wouldn't happen again. She was like oh yeah I'll win next time too. (You can't help but laugh but she is only 5 yrs old) ... well by this time my son had give up on me and was mad said he wasn't coming to go without him then called back a few minutes later said his dad was bringing him. Well he wanted a sandwich (which he didn't eat) and went and sat in my car waiting on me to drive him thru the drive thru for ice cream (which I did do, and guess what he might have eaten 1/4 of it) :(

Well got to end here I've been dragging at work all day and you can really tell because I haven't gotten much done and now its 15 minutes until it's time to go home so I better get something done before then. :)

God is Good, He is Still in Control and He is Worthy to be Honored and Praised!!!