Well, I'm back at work today Thursday :) ... I went in to check my home email and had over 500 emails but now I'm down to 499. :( I've got to get busy here at work so it is going to be a little while before I can blog today if I even get a chance to blog today. I know I left a note card at home today that I wanted to write about so if I remember I'll try to insert it after I get home today ... that will depend on how I'm feeling too.
Well now it's Saturday early morning (6:35) and I just woke up. :) Guess you noticed I didn't finish blogging on Thursday and I didn't have time Friday. :) So I'm going to try to back track back to Thursday (that is what I can remember). :) Now Thursday was my Birthday and I think it was one of my BEST!!! I went to lunch at the Ice Cream Parlor with two of my best buddies, got back from lunch and I had flowers (now this was very confusing because I couldn't figure out who would have sent me flowers and I didn't guess correctly either) but they were from my walking buddy who I had just had lunch with and he just sat there at lunch and didn't say a word. [Now, I think I would have been hinting around :)] Let me tell you I was just tickled pink over these flowers ... they were so PRETTY!!! Below is a picture (took with my cell phone) along with my messy desk. :)
Now Friday was a pretty interesting day ... got up and got ready and even left on time to take my son to school and me to work on time. We were almost to school when I was reminding him to take his medicine ... he grabbed the cup of tea and it fell out of his hand :( ... so we went to my moms and she was going to take him to school for me after he got a shower and she got his clothes washed and dried but he was so upset ... he had put on a pair of my dads boxers and was having to hold them up and it was just so FUNNY. So we ended up leaving to come home and I just couldn't help but to keep laughing at him. :) I called my boss on the way home and told him I needed to take the day off so I could get my car cleaned up. Now my son wasn't too happy about this because I took him to school after he got his 2ND shower for the morning. So I got him dropped off and I remembered I hadn't gotten my tax notice for my car so I went by the court house to take care of that and to turn in my mileage and get my total amount due ... now they were making me mad because they kept telling me you have to go to the highway department and I kept telling them I already had my information updated but I went on to the highway department so I could get my sticker. :) So that is taken care of and I headed home to clean the car (yippee) when I remember I had a piece of mail that needed to be mailed so I'm headed to the Post Office and I got side tracked with my thinking doing that. I drove past Office Max on the way to the Post Office and wondered it they had a wireless telephone jack because I'm getting charged $5 a month for not having one of my satellite boxes hooked in to a phone line and that is $60 a year. :( So I went and got a wireless jack which will soon pay for itself. :) Then I finally got home and got out my little green machine and I had already said I was just cleaning one side of the car (yeah yeah I know should have done the whole car) but I did vacuum the whole car and wiped out the whole car with some vinegar water (my hands smelled like it forever but that was soon forgotten). Finished that and cleaned up my mess sort of the green machine is sitting in the house in the middle of the floor, but the mop bucket and the vacuum cleaner are put up. :) Any ways my mom had called and wanted to know if I wanted to go to town around 1 o'clock and I said sure. She was wanting to get some button up shirts which I don't think she got any. LOL We did get some GREAT buys, I had gotten me some capri's at Goody's the weekend of Easter and I really liked them so we both got some of those and they had shorts out and I think they felt better than the capri's so we each got 3 pairs of those. Then we picked out bunches of shirts .... I'm hoping it's not cold in the morning so I can wear one of them to church. Then once we were finished at Goody's I wanted to stop at Rack Room to see what kind of shoes they had on sale because I needed some that I could wear with blue. (Ended up with a very comfortable pair of blue sandals ... now I need to have my feet done but I think I will do them myself) Oh I didn't forget about my son ... I got him a pair of flip flops but I don't think he really cares for them. :( After he got to my moms we left and went to the Mall to meet my sister and her family but we never saw them ... but the Mall was packed. We stopped first thing and got some ice cream :) then walked around the whole mall and left and went to Old Navy and he didn't see anything at the Mall or Old Navy but I got me two pairs of flip flops ... you can't beat two pr for $5. So needless to say I had a very busy day and was glad that I had taken the whole day off because I think my mom had a really good time too. We finished up our day at LaHa for supper then headed home where I took some medicine and laid down with a very bad headache. I woke up shortly after 10 and ended up staying up to almost 1 I think.
Well it is a little after 8 now and I'm thinking it's nap time already :) ... get hopefully at least one hour of sleep before I start my day.
Oh on Thursday I did have my index card that I wanted to share on my blog and just didn't realize it. Guess I am getting old ... LOL So I will just insert it here now ... it's something that Joyce Meyer had written.
Everyday Life Principles:
Blessings and curses are set before us. We need to choose life and continually make good, godly decisions.
We do not live "by bread alone". In other words, real life is not our possessions, positions, or worldly prestige, but knowing God, fellowship with Him, and trusting Him.
We do not need to strive to be blessed. When we obey God, blessings come as long as we are seeking Him for Who He Is and not what He can do for us.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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