Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Well it's the end of the month so that probably means I will not be blogging tomorrow. :( I may not even get to finish today. Normally I'm slow at the end of the month but not this month. :) I actually just realized it was Wednesday and it's almost 11:30 a.m. I was slow getting started this morning and stayed slow in my task of getting ready for work and forgot to put on one of my medicines.

Now I'm listening to a Podcast about The Problem with People Pleasing ... what makes this interesting is that they are talking about boundaries and if you remember the book I'm reading is "Boundaries with Kids". :) I knew I was working on my attitudes with certain people but I think along with that I'm going to start working on my boundaries with others. :) This might get interesting, but will be very hard for me. All of us have problems with People Pleasing and we do not need to let this control our lives. We need to only be worrying about Pleasing God!!! "If you are a people pleasing person you are a SLAVE!!! "You are overly concerned about you reputation if you are a people pleaser." We desire approval ... duh. Fear God not Man! The inability to say no is a characteristic of a people pleaser. I think I'm going to keep this podcast for a little while so I can keep refreshing on it. It's been a very informative and I have to keep rewinding it so I can re-listen to something that was just said. :)

I'm back from lunch went to the ice cream parlor and had my usual. I shouldn't have done this because I was so hoping to run by Star Bucks tonight and get my favorite there. :( Shame Shame on me ... and I have the nerve to fuss about gaining weight and my clothes not fitting. :( :) I'm listening to Joyce Meyer now "Let the Main Thing Be the Main Thing." hmmm interesting. At the end of that podcast Joyce suggest that everyone should read 1 Corinthians Chapter 13 everyday OUT LOUD. Man I'm listening to some GREAT topics today from Joyce Meyer ... now I'm listening to Temptation and Self-Control. :)

Need to end here today ... will try my best to blog tomorrow and Friday.