Please be in prayer for my parents
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Way Behind
I'm way behind blogging :( Sorry but I have been adding shared items as you will notice on the side bar. :) Guess I'm reading too many other blogs to keep up with my own. LOL
I'm very busy with work then just very tired after leaving work ... so I've been working and sleeping and that's about it except for the weekends which I do lots of resting if I'm not out on an Adventure. :)
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 1:27 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I just thought this was really great and wanted to share with anyone who might read my blog :)
2008/09/26 |
by Rick Warren So We all have the same amount of time – 168 hours a week. The only Ephesians 5:15-17 offers three steps to understanding how to manage your time better: 1. Analyze my lifestyle. “So pay close attention to how you In order to save time, you must first know how you lose it. Sit down 2. Utilize the present. “Make the most of every chance you Proverbs 27:1 says, “Never boast about tomorrow. You don’t know what will happen between now and then” (GNT). How do you make the most of the present? · Do it now. If you had a bank account and I were to tell you that · Eliminate time wasters. “I may do anything, but everything is not 3. Prioritize what’s important. “Don’t act thoughtlessly but · You’re doing something God never intended for you to do. · You’re not doing what God intended you to do. · You’re doing the right thing in the wrong way. God would not give you a purpose in life and then not give you the
*** *** *** ***
be careful how you live, not as fools but as those who are wise. Make
the most of every opportunity for doing good in these evil days. Don’t
act thoughtlessly, but try to understand what the Lord wants you to do.
Ephesians 5:15-17 (NLT)
question is, “How am I investing it?” We want to learn to invest it
wisely so that we won’t be like the man in Isaiah 49:4, who said, “I
have used up my strength but have accomplished nothing” (GNT).
live. Don’t live like ignorant people, but like wise people” (Ephesians
5:15 GNT). Be aware of time robbers. Don’t say, “I wonder where all my
time went!” Carefully evaluate your schedule and seriously consider how
you live.
and make a time log: “How did I spend last week?” Or, over the next
seven days, keep a record of how you spend your hours. Where does your
time go? Just by keeping a record, you’ll use your time better.
get” (Ephesians 5:16 MSG). The best time to manage your time is right
now – not tomorrow, not next week, not next year. Now!
every morning someone was going to put in $86,400 into that bank
account – that you could spend it any way you wanted to, but at the end
of that day, whatever money you hadn’t spent from the account would be
lost – do you think you’d try to spend it? Or do you think you’d let it
go to waste? Guess what? You have 86,400 seconds every day! Utilize the
present by doing it now.
useful . . . [or] constructive” (1 Corinthians 10:23 PH). The apostle
Paul is saying that many things in life are not necessarily wrong, but
they’re also not necessary. You’ve got to eliminate the time wasters.
It’s amazing how creative we get when we have a job to do that we don’t
want to do.
try to understand what the Lord wants you to do” (Ephesians 5:17 NLT).
When you talk about time management, you’ve got to do what God wants
you to do. You have just enough time to do God’s will. If you do not
have enough time right now, it means one of several things is going on:
time to do it. So if you don’t have enough time to do everything you
need to do, it means God didn’t expect you to do it all
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 5:37 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2008
And I'm back LOL ... On the way home tonight I discovered that I'm an old fart LOL ... I asked my son why in the world is there so much traffic tonight and he was like people got places to go and people to see unlike us who sit home and do nothing. Here lately I haven't really wanted to go any where including work :) I've been so busy reading that I don't have time for anything else. I'm reading 4 books now but actually really into just 2 of them. I did get out some this past weekend after finishing up a book on Friday night I discovered I had read book 1 and I need book 2 :( so I couldn't wait to get to the library Saturday morning to check it out so I could start reading it :). I had already pulled up the library online and knew it was a book they had and no one had it checked out. :) So once I finished my errands I went to McAlisters and ordered a bacon spud and sat and read. :) Then I came home and read until bedtime. I didn't have time for much reading on Sunday and was too stressed to read on Monday but finished my book on Tuesday. :) Last night I started reading a book with Eeyore in the title now along with Jimmy by Robert Whitlow. In fact I can't believe I'm sitting here blogging now instead of reading except I wanted to make sure I blogged about what my son had to say tonight. :)
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 8:37 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
Well I really should be getting some work done on my desk but I've had a headache since yesterday that will not stop. :( I'd really like to lay my head down and take a cat nap to see if that would help. I know staring at my computer screen isn't helping matters any, but hey I need to catch up on my blog. :) Maybe blogging will erase some of this tension that is causing my headache.
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 4:19 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 8:53 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 9:36 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
I discovered yesterday that I wished now I had of had my surgery, but I still feel like I made the right decision. I'm feeling much better today :) but I haven't been up very long yet. I don't guess a whole lot has gone on but it was a very fast week to me. I took my son to pick up his schedule and meet his teachers on Thursday from 10:30 to 12 ... I really hope that he's going to do well this year. I'm not familiar with the school at all but I haven't heard anything bad at all. :) I've talked with parents, teachers, and even past and present students and I was surprised to hear that even the kids thought the school was great. :)
It's Sunday now LOL I really got side tracked blogging yesterday. Not sure if I'll be able to blog today or not I'm heading to Anderson this morning and won't be back until sometime this afternoon. :)
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 7:45 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Got to start blogging more
Man I've got to start blogging more frequent LOL I'm forgetting things before I have a chance to write about them. This maybe a blog that will make some reading mad, but I've come to realize that my feelings are my feelings and I can't help the way I feel sometimes. I've been very busy at work then when I get home in the evenings I just drop on the couch and pick up a book and start reading until I can't hold my eyes open. :) I'm actually reading 3 books at one time now actually have 4 that I'm reading but I put one on the back burner. LOL Once I finish these books I'm going to stick to reading just one book at a time. Ha-Ha
My daughter found out that she is due March 13th :) that is just guess she wasn't sure of exact dates so she guessed a time period. LOL Guess we will find out the due date when she has her ultra sound done. So I'll update the due date once I know for sure when it is but for now assume March 13th. Wish I could share some of the text she has sent me lately LOL she would die if I blogged them, but I sure have gotten a snicker out of some of them. :)
This past week was one that really stressed me out and I haven't been that stressed in a while. We will begin at 12 am Sunday August 3rd that's when my phone rang and woke me it was my sister asking me if Travis could bring the girls he needed to go to the hospital. I think he got here around 1 am with the girls and I got them laid down and to sleep and I set my alarm clock for 7 am cause Travis said Erin would be coming right after work to get the girls. Then she wanted me to watch them Sunday night so I did. Well the baby cried and/or screamed from 7:30pm to 10:30pm and the other 2 actually laid down really good for me I thought they would go to sleep in no time. WRONG I was still up at 4 am with the older 2 girls and I have to get up at 6 am to get ready for work. So when my sister got here I told her I couldn't keep the girls on my work nights anymore but I could help out on the weekends. I talked to her a few times that week either by phone or computer. Well Thursday morning I got a phone call from one of her friends all upset because she hadn't been able to get in touch w/Erin. So I called the house no answer, called the hospital talked to a nurse there and told her I was worried about Travis' wife my sister and said could you please have Travis call me before 12 as I was leaving work early. When he hadn't called by 11:50 am I called Sandi because who else would my sister call but Sandi? So Sandi filled me in about DSS going to Erin's house and that Erin and the girls are staying w/them now. I called Erin's friend back and told her what I had found out and guess what she already knew what I had just found out she knew when it happened. Well I had asked Sandi to get Erin to call me when she got back and at 4:30 my sister still hadn't called me to let me know anything so I called back to Sandi's and did get to talk to her. I asked her if she would call and keep me informed as to what is going on w/the girls. She sent me a message that night and I'm assuming from what she said that since she is a house guest they will not let her use their phone to call her family. Well Friday went by no call then Saturday she calls saying Sandi wants to know if you can watch the girls this afternoon. I said sure but later Erin called saying that they found someone w/out bedtimes to keep the girls that way they could clean up longer. Maybe it's just me but do people not have set times (schedules) for their lives anymore? Do you not put your children on a schedule? Do you let your children do as they please? I know I'm easier on my son during the summer but it's the end of summer break now and he'll go back on a tight schedule. That should be very fun ha-ha.
Let me tell you he was so worn out when he got home Friday evening. :) He was at a missions trip Monday - Friday in KY ... they left out after church on Sunday and then drove back on Friday. He said they had them up at 7 am and they didn't get to bed until 12 am or after the whole week. We both slept in Saturday :) sort of. I had stayed up until 11:30 Friday night watching the Olympics ... now you would have thought I could have made it 30 more minutes to catch the end but thank goodness for DVR but I still have had time to go back to watch it yet. :( I've been watching the games :)
God is God He is Still in Control and He's worthy to be Honored and Praised!!!
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 8:52 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Well I found out today that I'm going to be a Grand-ma LOL ... don't know any of the facts yet she's got to go to the doctor. I met with my mom to tell her in person on mutual ground at StarBucks. LOL Can't help but laugh.
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 7:56 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 25, 2008
Well guess what? I'm still here haven't went any where. LOL I was going to read tonight but decided I'd blog a little and maybe read some and then blog some more. :) Man not really sure where to start it's been a very busy month. My son went to came the week of the fourth and my friend from work lost her sister-in-law that week. :( I survived the day I thought would be terrible which was the 7th but then the rest of that week went down hill. :( First my air went out on that Tuesday night, got it fixed on Wednesday afternoon. :) I had counseling on that Thursday which I think was a good thing because I had a very bad day that day. :( Oh I started back with Hands of Grace on the 13th and that was awesome to me. The group is very small now but still just as loving as ever. :) They were so welcoming to me :) I guess that I had a pretty good week after that ... I got my hair cut that Thursday and then meet Hands of Grace at a church on Phoenix and that was great!! Then on that Saturday my parents had a cook out for the Robinson side of the family and I made some brownies and took. Then Sunday was church then Hands of Grace and a women's meeting that afternoon. This week Matthew left Wednesday morning for the beach and he'll be back Saturday late or Sunday in the early hour. Tomorrow Hands of Grace is performing at the nursing home ... I know they've done that several times but this will be my first. :) Well I'm going to stop here ... I know I didn't blog as much as I thought I would be I fixed me a glass of wine when I sat down and turned on some Toby Mac and it's hard to blog and bounce and sing. :) God is Good He's Still in Control and He's Worthy to be Honored and Praised!!!
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
Still here just haven't had time to blog :( ... I'll have to have my calendar handy when I find some extra time. Yesterday I started back with Hand of Grace and that was a blast :) We learned a new song for Sunday night ... sure wish I had the music to practice to but this was sort of last minute and she didn't have time to make copies for the group.
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 1:25 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 3, 2008
I'm still here ... things are still crazy at work. :) Guess that's a good thing because I'm staying very very busy. :) Just as soon as I find some free time (LOL) I'll have to blog a catch up blog. Things are going great for the most part the rest I'm just taking with a grain of salt, life is too short to let things keep you upset.
Good is Good, He is still in Control and He's worthy to be Honored and Praised!!!
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 8:20 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Things have been going great I guess you could say. I have lots and lots of things on my mind still that are some what confusing but I'm working through all that I pray. I know that I'm growing stronger in my faith every day and if I wasn't then I think I would have a major problem. The devil has been working over time too let me tell you. He's been working lots of over time not just in my life but every where. The preacher talked about it some Sunday ... which I know I wasn't the only one who needed to hear what he said. I'm going to give the highlight here. The battle is with the source ... Psalm 13:1-6 1 Long enough, God - you've ignored me long enough. I've looked at the back of your head 2 Long enough I've carried this ton of trouble, lived with a stomach full of pain. Long enough my arrogant enemies have looked down their noses at me. 3 Take a good look at me, God, my God; I want to look life in the eye, 4 So no enemy can get the best of me or laugh when I fall on my face. 5 I've thrown myself headlong into your arms - I'm celebrating your rescue. 6 I'm singing at the top of my lungs, I'm so full of answered prayers. I copied this from "The Message" The battle isn't ours Ephesians 6:12-13 12 This is no afternoon athletic contest that we'll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels. 13 Be prepared. You're up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it's all over but the shouting you'll still be on your feet. (Also taken from "The Message") Let me tell you that was something that I really needed to hear. :)
Well I ran out of time ... ~LaTeR~
God is Good, He is still in Control and He is Worthy to be Honored and Praised!!!
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 9:20 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 8:05 PM 0 comments
Well I didn't get a chance to blog last night like I thought I was going to ... time got away from me. Then my son came in and he was 110 mph bouncing off the ways. :) May try to blog today but that will depend on what time I get home. I'm getting up from here and getting ready and heading to Greenville. ~LaTeR~
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 9:13 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 20, 2008
Going to try my best to blog tonight ... but first I'm writing an email that I really want to get sent out tonight.
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Anyone who refuses to test his limits, anyone unwilling to move out of her comfort zone, is destined to live life inside the envelope. The most important developments in science, history, technology, and the arts came from taking risks."Ben Carson MD, Take the Risk
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 8:12 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Going to try to blog today ... not sure how much I will get to being that it's Monday, plus I've been given some extra work that is going to be very time consuming. :( Guess the good thing is that I got to stay in for lunch today which I had totally forgotten about. So since I'm back at my desk early going to see how much I can blog about.
My weekend was pretty good until Saturday night. Friday night I went to eat w/Meagan and Kyle and then I went by my moms to pick up my son's PlayStation 2. Got home and Meagan and Kyle came over and they hung out w/my son. I actually went and laid across my bed and watched some TV until Meagan and Kyle left. Saturday I got up kind of early let Precious out and then when she was ready to come back in I let her in and I went and started reading in a book until I couldn't hold my eyes open. So guess what I did ... I went back to sleep until my phone woke me up and then I got busy doing what I could until my son got up. My son had a wedding to go to so while he was gone I finished up washing clothes and once he got home we went to Wal-Mart. I got very sick after we got home Saturday but that's nothing new. Sunday of course was Father's Day ... I got up and got ready for church and my son went and hung out with his dad. After church I headed home grabbed me some lunch and got me in a nap before having to go visiting. It all actually worked out pretty good .... I met my parents at my grandparents house and I fixed Icey's for everyone that wanted one. :) I never really cared for them myself but let me tell you they sure were good yesterday. I had gotten me a machine that shaves the ice a couple of weeks go thinking I'd make one after walking but yesterday was only the second time ever using the machine. Maybe since I know I like them now I'll get more use out of it .... if not I already had a machine I could use instead of the one I bought. :) Got done visiting and headed home just in time for a summer storm.
**Got to get back to work now lunch break is over ... hopefully I'll be able to write some more later today. :)
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 10:09 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
I had a GREAT check up and I don't have to go back until October. :) That is unless my Lupus gets out of control and so far I'm doing really good. The doctor just said that I needed to go ahead and start using my medicine. :( It's not even summer yet ... oh yeah and he said I could go to the beach would just have to sit under an umbrella :) Now sitting on my patio is a different story ... it's breezy at the beach. :) I seriously doubt that I'll make it to the beach this yr but will have to make some plans for next yr and save some money. :) There are ways around Lupus ... I told the doctor I was just going to become a Vampire .... LOL would have to really change up my schedule for that and for those reading my blog that don't know me from Adam I'm not a night owl ... I go to bed with the chickens and get up with the chickens except for Friday night.
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 4:34 PM 0 comments
Warning ... this blog is by no means written to make anyone mad at me or upset with me ... I just write my feelings and we all have them right?? Now I know you can't tell me we don't so if you feel like my blog is mean or hurts your feelings or you think its too harsh ... keep in mind we are all entitled to our own feelings and thoughts ... like a good friend told me a few weeks ago ... Our Feelings Are Never Wrong :)
Man I can't believe it's already Friday. I've had a lot on my mind this week too. Lets see where to start ... I got some very pretty flowers at work on Wednesday. :( I didn't know what in the world was going on when I was called up front and there sat a dozen roses. :( Yes another frown face ... I wasn't happy about this at all. Why couldn't they have been from some sweet guy God sent to knock me off my feet???? Now that would have been great. :) Maybe he'll have a Harley when and if that day ever happens. :)
Well Wednesday was also the day that my sister and her husband had to go to court. Would you believe that I had to find out from someone in the church that she let Travis come back home. I'm not surprised that she let him come home, and I pray that the Lord protects the girls from the life they are living in. My sister did finally call it was 5:20 pm that afternoon. Now they had went all the way home after court and she could have called me then wouldn't have taken but a second to say he's out and we are running around taking care of things. The funny thing is I already knew she wasn't going to call until she absolutely had to. Last time he was in jail and got out when she called she talked to me for 16 seconds and then I didn't hear anything out of her until a VERY long time. I'm not in shock that she let him come home because I already knew that and so did everyone else. Only she could make that decision herself and she is the one who has to live like she is living too. I know it keeps coming back to me that our preacher told her she was getting advise from and listening to the wrong people and for to look at their lives ... well I know that I'm not prefect nor is anyone else but I am here alive today and I am very grateful for that. Well all we can do is PRAY and I've got my 3 prayer partners praying with me. My sister says that her husband is going to seek help next week so that is a good sign. PS my sister called me :) isn't the Lord great!!!
Now I've decided that I'm getting out of the boat ... I'm going to stop letting people try to decide what they think is best or not best for me. This is going to be very hard for me but I've got to get a backbone and not a wishbone and I AM NOT GOING TO LET PEOPLE WALK ALL OVER ME ANYMORE!! It's past time to put my foot down to the correct people not to the ones that will listen to me when I need to vent. Enough of that :)
I'm going to the skin doctor this afternoon and I actually think this will be the best visit since I started going. I've been trying really hard to do the correct things since it has gotten hot outside. :) I know lots of people look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them I can't go outside in the sun. I'll be the first to tell you that I miss getting outside laying in the sun and going and getting in the tanning bed. I really miss getting in the tanning bed because it was very relaxing to me. Plus I'm not use to not being tanned. :( And let me tell you that bottled stuff ain't the same. My mom bought me some new stuff in the bottle to try but I haven't tried it yet ... she asked me about it the other day.
Oh I finally got around to making the dreaded call for my physical. I'm not sure why that is such a hard appointment to make ... I think because I have to go see the doctor so much ... but here lately I keep putting it off and pushing it behind me ... not sure if that is a good thing or not ... I just hate going even though my physicals have been good for the last few years. Praise the Lord for that ... having to go every 3 months was for the BIRDS. Which I think that is about what I'm averaging now. LOL that's not funny but it is funny!!!!
Well I saved the BEST news for Last .... I've been SMOKE FREE for 6 whole days!!!! and today makes 7 if I make it until bedtime. :) Now isn't that some EXCITING news???? That may not seem like a lot but I've been a smoker since I was in jr high and I have never really tired to quit I'd cut back but that was it. Well I made up my mind that I was going to quit and I went from smoking a pack a day to smoking 1/2 of a pack a day and I did that was several months. :) Then I cut back to 2 cigarettes in which I split up I smoke 1/2 at 3 and the rest of it on the way home and then a whole one before bed. Well last weekend I decided that I would beat those 2 cigarettes and I'm so VERY EXCITED to say that I did. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU SET YOUR MIND TOO!!! I really believe that and with lots of prayer time I finally did something I didn't thing was possible but with God's HELP I DID IT!!!!! Can you tell I'm very excited about this??? I think since I have a few extra dollars from not buying cigarettes I'll treat myself to a pedicure tonight. :)
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 12:36 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Another day is dawning .... I sure didn't want to get up this morning. :( That was my own fault ... I got home from work yesterday and hurried and got the trash up and moved the trash can around front then instead of cooking like I'd planned I fixed a salad because I didn't know what the weather was going to do. After I finished my salad I fixed me some ice cream and then I turned on the tv and fell asleep and woke up at 8:30 ... well guess what I couldn't go back to sleep. :(
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 9:23 AM 0 comments
Identifying Your Weaknesses
Day 174
Everyone has weaknesses. A person who recognizes his or her weaknesses and is willing to work on them is wise.
"You have to heal from your past relationship," says Lauren. "You have to give yourself time to realize what it is you're healing from. You might not know you're insecure or that your self-esteem is so low that you'll appreciate any type of attention. You haven't had time to figure out what went wrong. You have to grow."
Your weaknesses are reminders of God's strength and sufficiency. When you face hardships or are frustrated by your inadequacies, take a good look at the God you serve. He is bigger than your problems. He will empower you with a much greater strength than you can ever generate on your own. Let God fulfill your needs because He is the only one who can. Here is how Paul viewed a burden he was carrying:
"At first I didn't think of it as a gift, and begged God to remove it. Three times I did that, and then he told me, My grace is enough; it's all you need. My strength comes into its own in your weakness.
Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift. It was a case of Christ's strength moving in on my weakness. Now I take limitations in stride, and with good cheer, these limitations that cut me down to size—abuse, accidents, opposition, bad breaks. I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become" (2 Corinthians 12:8-10 Msg).
Strong Father, reveal my weaknesses to me so I can work on them with Your help. I want to be strong in You. Amen.
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 7:08 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
Oh my it's already Sunday, where did the weekend go? Well lets see .... Friday after work I met my sister and got Becca, Katie Grace and Lydia went to NC for the weekend. Got home and waited on my son to get home from swimming and for it to cool down so we could ride over to the Relay for Life in Abbeville. :) So me, my son, Becca, and Meagan and Kyle rode over to Abbeville I'd guess for an hour then headed back. The baby cried all the way home :( Got her a bottle and she was just fine. Got her to sleep then me and my son crashed for the night ... he had to get up early the next morning because he had things he wanted to get done.
Well the next morning my sister got there to get the baby and I let her in and my dog out and I went back to sleep only to be woke up right after she left by the dog scratching to get back in. :( So I went ahead and got up and fixed my milk went and went and told my son that he wanted to get up early. LOL We both sleep late every Saturday. Well I went and got back in my bed read a few pages in my book and went back to sleep. I remember my son trying to wake me up but I was just too tired to get up so he ended up calling his dad and getting him to do the things for him that that he wanted me to do with him. :( I didn't even know he was gone and didn't even hear my phone ring. Well by the time he got home I was awake but he didn't want anything to do with me he was rushing around trying to get back out the door ... he's gone on a fishing trip for a few days. So I got me a shower and headed out to the grocery store and I went at the wrong time let me tell you I wanted to buy this to fix to eat and that to fix to eat LOL and I don't fix anything hardly ever at home to eat. Got home put the groceries up and sat down and waited for my sister to bring the baby so I could go out to eat. :) Went to eat and the baby was great until I put her in the car to go back home and she cried all the way home and then cried until she went to sleep except for when she had a bottle in her mouth. :( Not sure why she doesn't like to sit in the swing or lay on a pallet but let me tell you she doesn't. Got her to bed then I did my settling down time reading and watching TV. I didn't realize how good I had it with my son until now. I get to do my settling down time early when it's just me and him and I get to bed around 9 or shortly after. :) Since I've been helping my sister out I don't get to settle down myself until after 9 now.
Sunday I got up to the baby fixing a very smelly present for her mom. LOL :) My sister had told me that instead of waking us up she'd wait until we woke up and she take a nap in her car. :) That's why I said Becca fixed her mom a present ... I got to just go outside wake her up and tell her she had a very nice present inside. LOL Well I got ready for church and ended up with a little extra time so I laid down watching TV and woke up at 2 pm. :( So I fixed me a salad for lunch and piddled around and watched TV losing track of time again. I had planned on having my bath out of the way and cooking before my sister brought Becca back but that didn't happen. So I ended up cooking a cheap pizza instead of cooking the chicken I had gotten to cook. I'm not sure how my sister can cook or get a bath in the evenings. Becca cried the whole time I was in the tub and the while I had my super. :( She had already had 2 bottles so she should have been a happy camper but she wasn't ... my mom calls her the hip baby.
I decided last night that when my children have babies I'll watch them for an hour or 2 but that will be it. Now once they are walking and can bathe themselves they can spend the night. :) I'm just to set in my ways for little ones right now is all I can figure out. I don't mind them visiting but once it's time to settle down for the evening visiting time is over. LOL Good thing I wasn't like that with my 2 but I don't remember ever having to hold them continually ... I could put them in the playpen or the swing and they were just as happy as if I were holding them. Maybe I was just lucky I don't have a clue.
Oh I have great news ... I've been smoke free for 2 whole days working on day 3 now. :) I'm so excited about this because this has been very hard for me. Especially the last 2 nights I was ready to pull my hair out to go smoke but I worked through it. I finally told my mom yesterday ... I wanted to wait until I could say I hadn't smoked at all to tell her. She was like I knew you didn't smell like smoke when you were picking up Matthew but didn't know you were quitting. This coming July 6th or 7th she will be quit for a year. I think she told me her quit date was the day I got married which would have been the 7th. I can't believe it's been almost a yr since I had married Tommy and before I know it it will be October a year since he sent a text telling me he had a girl friend. I've come a long way since that day in October and can actually say that things are going pretty good. Yeah I still have bad days but more good days than bad now. :) I actually dreamed about Tommy last week but I think that had something to do w/his brother being at church June 1st. His brother wouldn't even look at me much less speak to me. :( I'm guessing that he was just feeling too quilt for his part of the destruction of my life. He knew exactly how his brother was doing and still married us knowing that his brother wasn't being faithful to me the whole time. I still haven't figured out how he played it off ... I thought we talked about everything and shared everything ... when he was sick I'd be sick ... it was just weird ... we were great together or so I thought. Oh boy I was very wrong!!! I think I went off on a tangent here ... LOL I also just realize I haven't been taking my happy pill with everything going on I've forgotten to take it. :(
Oh I'm backing to reading the book "Boundaries" and let me tell you I'm learning a lot of information and I've only read not even 1/2 of the book. The main thing that I've learned in the past week since I started back reading this book is that I am going to take back control of my life!! I am not going to let people manipulate me anymore!! Why should I? Yeah people will turn their backs on me and yeah that will hurt but in the long run I'll be a lot better off. :) Guess I'll have to let you know on that one ... I'm talking pretty BIG but this book makes you want to talk pretty BIG. ha-ha Hope that I will be able to handle this phase of my life ... hey I really think this will be a piece of cake compared to the things of my past that I've been through ... now I've just got to find the guts to set my boundaries and not let ANY cross them. :) Quote from the book "God had no problem telling Paul that he would not take away his thorn. He tells all of us NO quite often! God doesn't worry this his boundaries will injure us. He knows we are to take responsibility for our lives -- and sometimes NO helps us do just that." Why should I worry about about my boundaries hurting someone .... re-read the quote above.
Well I think I'm going to stop here for today may or may not write some more this evening ... that will depend on the number of chores I get done. ha-ha
Oh yeah I did start this on Sunday but didn't finish so wrote some more today Monday. LOL
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 10:12 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
I'm hoping today is the day. :) Hmmmmmm made you wonder what I am talking about. LOL Well today wasn't the day so I won't say anything will save it for the day. :) Your wondering now why would you say something if you weren't going to tell. Well I started this early this morning and now it's after 2 in the afternoon. I've been trying to get my desk cleaned up and things taken care of that get the back burner when I'm super busy.
Let me tell you ... my son got me to stressing yesterday afternoon then he got to rushing me and I dumped a whole cup of Dr. Pepper in my car. :( I'll also tell you that he will be out there Saturday morning cleaning my car too ... that is if I don't forget. He had let time slip up on him so he was rushing me because he needed to be somewhere by a certain time and I did get him there sort of on time. So after dropping him off I had an evening all to myself, and at first it was like what in the world do I do? So I got me a shower and washed my hair and sat down with my book until I had lost track of time and it was past bed time. LOL I need to stay on top of my reading and get this book finished. I didn't get very much read last night because I was trying to get caught back up with where I had left off. LOL Guess that will teach me not to stop in the middle of a chapter and go all the way to the end. ha-ha I did get to read on my lunch break today which would have been relaxing but my son ended up calling stressing me out. He had me so confused I ended up telling him we'd talk about it later. I did call him back to get some clarification as to how he was going to do somethings and the reason he had me confused was that he has his days of the week mixed up. LOL Thought only grown-ups did that. I plan on having a non-stressful evening tonight ... going to get me a shower, fix me some ice cream and curl up with my book until bedtime. :) Going to put my phone on silent or turn it off one and I don't answer the house phone so there will be nothing that can stress me out. Hope I'm not getting ahead of myself. LOL
Got to stop here for today fixing to be buried.
God is Good ... He is Still in Control and He is worth to be Honored and Praised!!!
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 2:29 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Oh I wanted to make sure that I said this was Wednesday ... I've been thinking all day long it is Thursday so I've lost a day somewhere. LOL
Well going to start back today where I stopped last time I blogged. :) I did finish the topic I was on and was fixing to start in on something else so that is where I'm starting today. :) Hope that anything that I write doesn't make anyone who might be reading mad. :) Here goes ...
Lets see now I'm going to try to go from memory. I had gone to bed some what earlier on May 20th because it had been an exhausting day. Well my phone rang some time after 12 and by the time I heard it, it stopped but then it rang again. It was my sister calling to tell me her husband had been arrested. So as you can imagine that woke me up wide away. The girls were on their way to Easley to stay with the grandparents and my sister kept the baby with her because she breast feeds. Well her husband was arrested for CDV (Criminal Domestic Violence) which in my own opinion was long over due ... which to hear my sister tell it you'd think different. The only reason he was arrested this time was that someone else called the cops. Now she might correct me if I'm wrong so I'm going to keep on. I've very grateful for the couple that she did call and them calling the police. :) I got off the phone with my sister after telling her she needed to get some rest because she was going to be in for some long days ahead. I tried to go back to sleep but it just didn't happen, so once morning time came I got up and got ready like I would normally do and got my son up and on his way to school and I called my boss and left him a message that I needed to take the day off that something was going on with my sister and I needed to be there for her. I had already called my sister and talked to her and told her just to come to my house and we'd take my car to town. So I waited and waited on my sister to come so we could go get the things done that she needed to get done so we could go to her house and get it cleaned up. Oh yeah that was the other thing the cop told her that he was giving her until Friday to have the home cleaned up, and they took pictures of everything. We did everything that we could at town and got to her house after lunch. Oh boy let me tell you ... I called two of my friends to see if they could come and help after work and they did :) and when we left I think it was almost dark on Wednesday evening and I didn't feel like we had gotten much done but it was some better than when I first got there. :) I also called and talked with my boss on Wednesday afternoon to ask for Thursday off which he said would be fine but that I had to be back at work on Friday. So now it's Thursday May 22nd and I head back out to my sisters house to get started back cleaning and I had it set up so Meagan could come and help and she worked from 10:30 am to 9:30 pm that day. Also my two friends came back after they had said they wouldn't be able to because of work schedules but it worked out to where they could come back after work. We got lots done on Thursday or so I think we did. Meagan got the girls room cleaned and then I got her started on the kitchen with me. So by Thursday you could sit down in the living room where ever you wanted to sit, the bathroom was clean as well as the hallway and the girls room. The kitchen was taking shape as well. :) I ended up exploding that evening but I am not going to share those details here because even though everything I was saying was true it was just something that needed to be said and now that is done and over with, but I will tell you I don't think I've ever been as mad or upset as I was that evening and I never want to be again. Then on Friday of course I had to go back to work and my sister had a friend of hers daughter come and help her out with the house, they worked on getting things put in proper places and making coverings for the cabinets and all. She also got the dryer from the building brought up and hooked up and the one that wasn't working put outside. :) I didn't go back until Monday (May 26th) right before lunch so that I could take all the clean clothes back to my sisters house. My mom had came on Wednesday and Thursday and picked up dirty clothes to take home and wash for me. I picked the clothes up on Friday from my mom and then on Saturday I sorted the clothes by sizes and seasons and packed them in boxes or totes. Now all these boxes and totes wouldn't fit in my car so I had to get a friend to help me take them out to my sisters. Oh yeah and when I bought the totes I also bought a curtain rod and curtain for the girls room. :) Let me tell you the girls were very excited about it too. Well I took Lydia with me and we went to lunch w/one of my friends and then we went grocery shopping. Back at my house I decided that I would cook (ha ha funny I know but I can cook) for them so my sister wouldn't have to worry about that. Now let me tell you I burned my arm but that's nothing new any time I cook I get burned but this was the worst one in a long time. My arm hurt all night long!!! Its been 9 days since I burnt my arm and it's finally healing but you can still see it. :( Now I'm going to fast forward to Thursday May 29th ... I had counseling which by the way is still going good don't think I'll have to go much longer but there's still one issue that I need to deal with before I stop. This was the first night for me to keep all three girls. Well a friend of mine took the 2 oldest (ages 5 and 3) while I took the 4 month old with me to my counseling and that is when things got interesting .... we (me, my son, and the baby) got trapped in the elevator. :( Long story short we got out, I went to counseling, let there to go pick up the other 2 girls from McDonald's and we headed home for baths and bed .... now that was interesting. I think I was just so stressed that everyone could just tell and it stressed them but things went very well I thought for the first night. Then I had them on Friday May 30th and we went to out to eat w/my daughter and one of my friends. Let there and went by the drug store and then home ... and guess what all 4 of us had a bath before 9 pm. LOL I had the older too jump in after I gave the baby a bath. :) The girls I know thought I was crazy cause I set the bottle in the bathtub while I bathed the baby. LOL While the other 2 got there bath I sat there and fed the baby and she fell asleep. Got her laid down the girls out and settled to watch some TV while I got my bath and then we watched a movie until we fell asleep. :) I watched the girls until Saturday afternoon so that my sister could catch some zzzz's and then we went to the grocery store and then I headed home to put up groceries and rest. Sunday of course was church and then my normal Sunday routine. :) Then there was Monday :( June 2nd first day of the month at work so I was a busy bee. :) I either called or sent my sister a message to please get the girls their baths before I got them because I wasn't going to be able to handle that. :( Well let me tell you our evening went great ... I cooked mini cheeseburgers which I don't think Lydia liked at all. Got the kitchen cleaned up, the baby fed and we watched about 30 minutes of TV then it was bed time. I told my sister how much easier the evening was with her giving the girls a bath so I think she is going to continue that for me. :) Matthew is finally coming around and having something to do with the girls. :) I think I have that figured out though and I've talked with my sister about it and she says that WILL NOT happen. Reason I think Matthew has been avoiding the girls is that he thinks if he gets close he'll get hurt. Let me explain ... anything he's ever gotten close to except for me has gone out of his life suddenly and he doesn't understand the why or reasoning behind it he just knows it hurts like crazy to put it nicely. You know one day he had a dad the next thing he knew he was gone. Then there was Tommy for lets say 6 yrs maybe more and he just out of the blue quit seeing us. So the only thing he knows that is constant in his life is me .... guess that's why he is such a mama's boy. :-) I'm not going to complain even though it can drive you crazy at times, better enjoy it while I can. Well I think I'm update to date on everything that my mind can remember. Oh yeah my son lost his phone in the lake Memorial Day weekend so we had to go get him another phone last night. :( I was going to try to make it to church tonight but I don't think I can make that happen. I've got to take Matthew to his cousins tonight which will make things a little easier on me the rest of the week. (Shame shame on me for even saying that and thinking that) My sister has her start up counseling session tomorrow night which is kind of a get to know you and what's going on and why are you here sort of thing and the girls are going to be in counseling too. :) I'm meeting her when I get off work so that I can watch the girls while she chats with the counselor. Then on Friday I'll get the girls after I get off work and then I'm guessing my sister is picking them up on her way home because they are spending Saturday and Sunday with one of Katie Grace's friends. I'll keep the baby those 2 nights. Then it looks like I'll have them on the 12th and 13th of June.
Well I think I better stop here before I get fired. ~LaTeR~
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 11:17 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008
Well well it's been a while and lots has happened, and I will try to blog about as much as I can today. Not sure how much time I will have to blog because it is the first day of the month. :) VERY VERY BUSY DAY!!!
Well it's now after lunch and I didn't get much written before lunch. LOL Here goes .... My son's Grandmother passed away May 17th which I think he had a good idea that she wasn't going to make it much longer. I had taken him over to see her on Thursday May 15th and it wasn't looking good then. :( The family did the friends and family visitation on Monday evening and had the funeral on Tuesday afternoon. The funeral was really sweet but there was several things that really didn't add up and wasn't very fair to her family or so I thought. I did get some pictures of Matthew dressed up ... too bad it had to be for the occasion it was, but he was really handsome. :)
After the funeral was over I decided that I'd go across the street to my Grandmothers grave. I wish now that I had not of because it really upset me to no end. Now let me tell you why it upset me ... well here it was May and her children still had Christmas flowers on the grave. :( Well that really hit home because Matthew had talked about guess the family would fall apart now since Grandma was gone and I was trying to tell him that wouldn't happen or that I hoped it wouldn't happen. Then when I went to visit my grandmothers grave and saw the Christmas flowers that just made me lose it. I called my mama crying it's a wonder she even knew what I was talking about.
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 10:50 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 9:44 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 16, 2008
I've got a lot going on in my head right now. LOL So once I collect my thoughts and feelings I'll blog. :) ~LaTeR~
Found this and just had to share ... Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!
Now think hard and let me know who the quote is from.
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 9:53 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Man I can't believe it's already Wednesday. I've been non-stop the past 3 days. I didn't know if I was coming or going ... LOL. I don't even think I thought about my blog yesterday at all. :( So right now I'm waiting on one of my co-workers to get off the phone so I can get back busy, so I thought I'd jot down a few things before I forget about them. If I re-jot down something I blogged about sorry.
Lets start with Sunday evening ... the wind was something awful on this day. It was just a little scary too. It was too windy to sit outside and read so I ended up in my room sitting in front of the window so I could watch the trees. I think that I've been behind 5 chapters exactly every night since Friday on my Bible reading. I am still reading boundaries but haven't been able to read in it but once this week. :( Anyways back to Sunday ... I got everything I wanted to get done done believe it or not. Or at least I think I did and I even cooked.
Monday was just a non-stop day even after work I was non-stop. Not sure about the after work part. LOL I think eating at my moms got me off my schedule, but don't get me wrong it sure was good. :) Tuesday was about the same as Monday and even after work I ended up eating at my moms.
Oh and I almost forgot on Sunday I got a text message on my phone wishing me a "Happy Mothers Day" from Breanna ... can you believe that???? I wrote her back "Thanks" and didn't hear anything else from her. Meagan also sent me a message telling me Happy Mothers Day too.
Well I'm at home now and seeing how I'm behind in my reading I think I'd better go heat up super and and get busy reading. ~LaTeR~
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 4:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 12, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Back for a few minutes ... my son is washing his dishes so he can get online. :-) I've gotten my shower, the dishwasher loaded and dishes washed. Then I watered all my inside flowers. Hoping I can get my son to help me clean the clutter in front of the bar area. Then I want to fold all my winter clothes and put them in boxes and unpack my summer things that are still packed and put them on hangers. Then I plan on finishing yesterdays Bible reading and doing today's and then reading and in between on breaks cleaning here and there. I have another clutter area I'd like to work on some. :)
Well I guess that is all for now folks. LOL
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 10:37 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 10, 2008
It's bright and early I guess you could say on Saturday morning at 7:20. I just got up and for the life of me I do not know why because I was up very late. I have no idea where the time went ... I got to working on the puzzle and listening to music and before I knew it it was after 12 and I still had reading I wanted to do in my book that I have started. So I grabbed it and finished reading the chapter I was on and then I crashed. :) Now here I am once again in front of my computer, but not for long I need to get my shower and put on my makeup so I will be ready to hit the road in a little while. :) So I think I'll stop here and may or may not be back today. ~LaTeR~
PS. I had some crazy dream last night but I think it had to do with one of the songs I was listening to last night. :(
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 7:23 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 9, 2008
Well here it is Friday and I'm back sick!!! This time I think it's my medicine causing me to be sick. I really hate this because I have so much at work that needs to be done. :( Maybe I will get to feeling better in a little while and I can go in to work, but so far I've been home a little over 30 minutes and I keep having to RUN to the bathroom. My mom says I need to start a bland diet which doesn't sound very good to me. Here is a link to a bland diet and let me tell you I wasn't impressed at all. No chocolate milk, no tea, no soda, no tomato anything, no nothing on the list that I like!!! :( I've told several people that I'm just going to stop eating but then my belly talks to me and I give in. LOL I'm sitting here with a glass of tea now while I'm typing this blog. I'd go fix me a pot of coffee but coffee is on the list as a do not drink!! :( Enough of that lets move on to something else. :)
On a better note I hope I'm feeling better tomorrow because I want to take my mom to get her a pedicure as well as me one. :) I need to remind her this afternoon when I talk to her, I said something to her on Sunday but I'm sure she has forgotten. :) Kind of wish I knew about what time we would be going so I could set up an appointment. I've heard if you have an appointment you can just go right in with no waiting.
Well I'm going to take a break now and go lay down real still and see if that will settle my stomach. :) Seems like moving around just makes it worse!
Guess what .... I didn't go lay down I've sat right here at this computer and picked me out a variety of music and posted it to my blog as you have already figured out I have music on here now. :) I figure my sister will not like some of the songs so I did pick out some I thought she might enjoy listening to that I like ... she will have to skip to song 8 I think even though the Christian songs start before then. :) I wasn't able to find my song that I like though. :( but I did some more searching and guess what I found it ... that's very exciting!!! Wonder if anyone can pick out which one is my favorite??? And no it's not the first song in the list that would be too easy. LOL
Well now it's after 6pm ... I laid down and I slept over 2 hours. I just had 1/2 of a potato from McAlister's and waiting to see how it is going to do on my stomach. :) ... so far I haven't been sick. :) I just pulled up my blog page so that I can sit here and listen to the songs I picked out ... I noticed some of them weren't the whole song when I was searching but I didn't pay attention to see if I picked any out that wasn't the whole song. Maybe I'll get lucky and they will be fine. I've done my Bible in 90 days challenge reading for today. :) I just started on chapter 3 in the book "Boundaries", and I plan on reading some in it tonight I guess after I finish writing here. I'd also like to work on the puzzle some ... it hasn't been touch since Sunday when my parents were over. :( I'm beginning to wonder if it will ever get finished. LOL Well it feels like my stomach is fixing to be upset from eating so I think I'll stop here for today. ~LaTeR~
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 8:34 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Guess what??? It's Thursday!!! So far the day is going pretty good and it's already the down side of the day. :) I've done my daily Bible reading for today and started "Boundaries When to Say Yes How to Say No To Take Control of Your Life" at lunch. Didn't jot down any notes I couldn't find an ink pen so I will have to go back and see what I wanted to write down. Well just finished doing that before I forgot to go back. :) My son is going to have a cow when he finds out I've started another book. LOL He was in one of the worst moods yesterday ever I think but he knew I was upset with him over his interim report that I got. When we got home he cleaned his room and bathroom ... I had already told him that morning we were going to clean house and he was like why the house is already clean. Well maybe to him but not to me ... and guess what? ... I didn't do anything last night! :( I really wanted to at least load some dishes into the dishwasher and wash the ones that couldn't be put in the dishwasher.
Well I've got to stop here ... I've gotten very busy and need to gets some things done in the next 30 minutes. Not sure if I can blog at home guess that will depend on who gets to the computer chair first. LOL
Well it's after 8 pm now ... man where does time go???? I came home and changed my clothes and grabbed me a chair outside after watering my lawn and flowers. Guess I got so into my book that I lost track of time. I really didn't think I'd take that many notes from the book after reading the first chapter but so far I've been just a jotting down notes. :) I sort of wish now I had of read this book first then the "Boundaries with Kids", but that's okay. I really need to stay away from the bookstores until I read what I've got to read now. :) It's hard making a choice which one to start.
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 2:08 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Well lets see how far I can get today with my blog. It's already 3:30 in the afternoon on Wednesday. I've been non-stop since I got to work today. :) Felt fine except for a little cramping until I had lunch. Now I'm back to where I just feel like I just need to quit eating!!! My doctor put me on Cipro 500mg and I think he thought I had a virus too but how can a virus last for 5 days???? The side effects of the medicine are just about the same as my symptoms so I don't have a clue how I'm suppose to know when I'm getting better. :(
So anyways I left work at 1:30 yesterday to go see my doctor, went to Wal-mart to have my medicine filled, picked up my son and we went to the hospital before my counseling session and then we headed home. Just to leave about 30 minutes later because I realized it was Tuesday and you know what that means and if you don't it's KFC night. LOL My sons Grandmother is just not good at all. I think they are suppose to move her to the hospice house today. I think that would be much better for her and the family.
My counseling session went great last night. She was telling me that she had been talking to different people about me. She said I had impressed her with my notes that I was taking from a book I was reading. I had left my book and steno book in the car instead of taking it up with me since I knew my son wasn't going to go in and talk with her. Most times I have my book or knitting that I take up with me. Last night I actually had printed out my Bible reading and since I was a day behind I had it to read. (Now I'm caught up with my reading but being so sick on Monday got me behind) I told her that my son had been doing great and that I was feeling lots better here lately ... I've cut my dose down on my medicine and I haven't been skipping days except the weekends. I think the only thing I've really been worried about is the scales and I didn't realize how bad they were until yesterday. To me or in my humble opinion the scales should be going down instead of up. I just can't believe that I weigh as much as I do. :( It's very disappointing to me.
Well I've already told you I'm caught up on my 90 day challenge that is I have today's reading to do. :) I'm really on the last chapter of "Boundaries with Kids" I miss counted the chapters I had left last time I wrote about it. LOL Needless to say I didn't finish the book this weekend. Hopefully tonight I'll get some reading done and maybe that will include getting to this book and finishing it. :) Still not sure what book I want to start next. I have a Joyce Meyer book I want to start but I also want to start reading "Boundaries". Guess I will have to see which one I'm leaning towards more.
I haven't gotten to walk any this week and not sure if I will get to the end of the week or not. Guess I'll have to see how I'm feeling after work on Thursday and Friday. Just looked at the calendar and my sister isn't working on Thursday and Friday so maybe I will try to walk. I know I've got something planned for Saturday and I usually don't walk on Sunday or Wednesday those are my official days off from walking.
Oh I finally asked my mom about why the doctor was telling her her blood was bad when she brought it up yesterday. She keeps telling me about her blood being bad but wouldn't tell me why and I was like they just don't tell you its bad. They are watching her liver and her cholesterol. She was having to go every 6 months but was told this time it was improving but he wants her to come back in 4 months for a re-check. That seems weird to me if it was an improvement why 4 months instead of the normal 6 months.
Well I'm going to end here today I'm sure I left something out but I need to get back to work. :)
One more thing ... when I was at Wal-Mart yesterday I picked up some Miracle Grow for my flowers and lawn and once I got home I went outside to water everything and you'll never guess what I saw/found not one but two black widow spiders.
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 4:02 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Well it's Tuesday and it's 11:30 and I'm still at work ... and that is a good thing. Guess I will find out in 30 minutes how my stomach is doing today. My headache is back and I think it may be worse than it was yesterday. :( I did get the time entered this morning and I'd like to get these invoices sitting here on my desk entered if I do end up having to go to the doctor this afternoon. My boss told me this morning that he wished I would go to the doctor. I just told him I was just being stubborn. Believe me it comes natural to me ... I got it from my mom.
My son's grandmother was put in the hospital yesterday and it doesn't look like she will be going back home unless she tells them that is where she wants to spend her last days. Her children and her sister decided this morning that they do not want CPR or a breathing tube used on her. Right now she has a mask on helping her to breathe. The way it sounds they are just keeping her comfortable and that she has really given up. It's such a hard thing for them I know. I am planning on taking my son by there tonight after we get out of counseling.
Well now it's after 8:30 in the evening ... had a change of plans for tonight. Will have to try to blog tomorrow I got up and lost my seat at the computer so I decided to read while my son was online. ~LaTeR~
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 11:35 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Well I think I'm going to go get a shower and see how that makes me feel. I just ate a biscuit and I'm trying to wait to see if it is going to make me sick or not. Once I get my shower I'm going to read in my Bible and then I'm going to try to finish up the "Boundaries with Kids" ... I'm finally down to 2 1/4 Chapters left ... I didn't realize taking notes while reading a book would take you so long to read ... but I think I've gotten some pretty good notes to refer back to. I've written 33 pages in a steno book full of notes (just writing on the fronts of the pages). Will try to blog some more this afternoon and I'll update on my stomach as I'm headed to the restroom now. :(
The above is my blog I had yesterday and didn't get back to finish it. It's now Monday morning 9:05 and I'm at home. :( My doctor is off today and the nurse seemed to think I have some kind of bug wanted to know if I had been out of the country ... I think it's more than that. If I'm still sick tomorrow my doctor will be working the afternoon hours. I know I'm cramping like crazy like so I guess I'll take some pain medicine and let it knock me out and sleep all day. :( I did notice yesterday afternoon that after lunch I didn't get sick ... I came home took a very short nap and we went to Lowe's and I about didn't make it home. It was like walking around is what made me sick. Now I didn't walk Friday but I did do a short walk on Saturday and ended up sick and then yesterday just walking around Lowe's. :( Guess if I do any walking this week it will be the very end of the week because I'm taking today off and have an appointment tomorrow night and Wednesday is church.
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 10:05 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 3, 2008
This is the picture of the side corner of my yard. Yeah I know the grass looks pitiful. :( My flowers sure are pretty. :-)
This is my pretty I got today at K-mart. :) Just wanted to share these two pictures so THAT'S ALL FOLKS
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 8:39 PM 0 comments
Oh I worked on my puzzle a little bit last night .you really can't tell though. It's a Thomas Kinkade 1000 piece puzzle and it's harder than I thought it would be or it maybe that I haven't really tried to work on it much. :( We are taking it by spells. Below is a picture of our progress. :)
Well it's now 3:40 pm and I'm back home. :) We went and got a chair for the computer desk. :) Its not the one he wanted but the one I wanted. :) It's so comfortable. :) Now I just need come new batteries for my camera or better yet start saving and shopping around for a new one. :) Meant to look while I was at K-Mart but I ended up getting sick in there so we hurried and paid for my items and left. Got home and unloaded the car and went ahead and went outside and planted my new flower and replanted another one that was outside. Will get a picture to post maybe tomorrow. I need to get a picture of my son sitting outside covered up with a blanket in my chair and post. LOL Then came back in and got my chair put together. :) And now I'm enjoying it ... it's so comfortable. I don't even want to get up, but I have got to so I can get ready to go walk. :) Oh I remembered one more thing I got me some new pens because I was tired of having to light the end of the pen with my lighter to write. :)
God is Good, He is still in Control and He's worthy to be Honored and Praised!!!
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 11:13 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 2, 2008
I've made it to Friday Yippee!!!! I've done really well this week if I must say so myself. :) I've walked everyday except for Wednesday and that normally isn't a night we walk. :) I started the Bible in 90 Challenge on Tuesday and so far I've kept up with the reading involved. :) The real test will be this weekend when everything just goes to shambles for some reason. Which last weekend I did pretty good except for Sunday and that was because I was very weak. :( My day has started out so so ... Mike came to get our son for school at 7:30 :( then they got into and Mike was leaving without him and my son was like mama you've got to take me to school and I hollered and Mike and TOLD him he couldn't do that to me. Don't show up late and then think I can adjust my time schedule my hours aren't come and go as you please. I have no idea what he was thinking but he was making me angry.
I've now got my work from yesterday and today's work so this will be a short blog. :) Plus I'm leaving work early to run an errand. You know if I had enough PTO time I think I would never work on Friday ... I'd rather have every Friday off than to take a solid week off I think. Maybe I'm getting bored with my job who knows. Coming up in July will be my 6th anniversary for being here at my job. I keep saying I'm going to apply at the hospital but I haven't updated my resume yet. I think they have just as good of benefits as I have here. Only thing I don't think I would like would be scheduling my days off. Here like today I just went and told me boss I needed to leave an hour early, or I can come in on Monday morning and tell him I would like to be off on Friday and that is just fine. I'm not a planner when it comes to taking time off from work guess because I never have had to do that.
Oh yeah I plugged in my I-Pod last night and I thought it was syncing but got to work this morning and found out it didn't sync ... guess I did something wrong or my son did something because I did notice that my I-pod didn't look connected this morning. That reminds me I actually unhooked the DSL instead of my I-Pod from the computer ... don't ask I think I was having a blond moment. LOL Guess I just need to stay away from my computer in the mornings because it also puts me behind getting ready for work. In fact I don't think I got dress until after 7:15 this morning :( I am normally dressed by 7:00 and ready to go.
Now it's 30 minutes until lunch time and I'm ready to eat my shoe. I've started taking vitamins in the mornings before leaving for work but I am thinking I'm going to have to change up and take them at lunch. Only problem with that is they make me gag. :( Sometimes it takes me 3 or 4 tries to get it down. :( My son is also having trouble with the ones I got him and he didn't even take his this morning because he couldn't get it down. Guess I passed that trait to him. He can take small pills like me but the big ones get both of us. :(
Going to see how much I can get done before lunch so I'm stopping here for now. May or maybe post some more after lunch.
I am at home now it's 9:34 at night and I've gotten my computer working fast now. :) Fixing to get settled down and read before heading off to dream land. ~LATER~
May 02, 2008
![]() ![]() — James Thurber |
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 11:32 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Well it's the first of the month and I'm fixing to get BUSY!!! I just about got busy on the wrong thing. LOL I back tracked and I'm on the right path now just hope to stay there. :) I want to get just as much done as I can before the invoices from the first of the month hit today. :) Going to be hard to focus again today because it's so pretty outside. :)
Well I haven't gotten much written but it's almost lunch time so I'll go ahead and post and hope to post more after lunch. :)
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 11:51 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Well it's the end of the month so that probably means I will not be blogging tomorrow. :( I may not even get to finish today. Normally I'm slow at the end of the month but not this month. :) I actually just realized it was Wednesday and it's almost 11:30 a.m. I was slow getting started this morning and stayed slow in my task of getting ready for work and forgot to put on one of my medicines.
Now I'm listening to a Podcast about The Problem with People Pleasing ... what makes this interesting is that they are talking about boundaries and if you remember the book I'm reading is "Boundaries with Kids". :) I knew I was working on my attitudes with certain people but I think along with that I'm going to start working on my boundaries with others. :) This might get interesting, but will be very hard for me. All of us have problems with People Pleasing and we do not need to let this control our lives. We need to only be worrying about Pleasing God!!! "If you are a people pleasing person you are a SLAVE!!! "You are overly concerned about you reputation if you are a people pleaser." We desire approval ... duh. Fear God not Man! The inability to say no is a characteristic of a people pleaser. I think I'm going to keep this podcast for a little while so I can keep refreshing on it. It's been a very informative and I have to keep rewinding it so I can re-listen to something that was just said. :)
I'm back from lunch went to the ice cream parlor and had my usual. I shouldn't have done this because I was so hoping to run by Star Bucks tonight and get my favorite there. :( Shame Shame on me ... and I have the nerve to fuss about gaining weight and my clothes not fitting. :( :) I'm listening to Joyce Meyer now "Let the Main Thing Be the Main Thing." hmmm interesting. At the end of that podcast Joyce suggest that everyone should read 1 Corinthians Chapter 13 everyday OUT LOUD. Man I'm listening to some GREAT topics today from Joyce Meyer ... now I'm listening to Temptation and Self-Control. :)
Need to end here today ... will try my best to blog tomorrow and Friday.
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I finally figured out how I'm getting behind on my emails ... not checking them on the weekends. :) LOL Which this past weekend I started out good keeping up with checking them but ended up not checking them on Sunday. I'm thinking since I'm not knitting right now I need to go on special notice with the grps that I am in. :) I'm still reading "Boundaries with Kids" in fact I have 5 chapters left but with jotting down notes it's taking me forever to read.
At lunch my friend got bad news about her sister in-law. :( She (the sister in-law) had gone to the doctor Monday and was told she would have to have a hysterectomy this Thursdays due to a mass the size of a cantaloupe ... well they got a phone call this morning and her blood work came back very elevated and she was told she has cancer. This is just terrible for this family as they just lost their mom 2 yrs ago to cancer. So if anyone is reading my blog please please PRAY for this family.
I think I'm finished blogging for today ... I'll will update on my friends sister in-law when I find out more information.
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 11:13 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 28, 2008
I hope that since I've not posted since Thursday that I will remember what all I need to blog about today. :) Guess I'll start with Thursday evening and then go forward all the way to yesterday. :) Well it's late in the day and I am not sure I will finish but if I don't I'll try one day this week. :) Let's see ... Thursday after work I went and got my son and headed home to walk. He wanted to know what I was doing Friday and I told him I guessed I'd be working ... LOL was trying to pull one over on him again. OK got home and I got ready to go walk and once everyone that was walking got to my house we headed out. :) We ran across (well sort-of) a moped that looked like it had been dumped but we went ahead and finished our walk and on the way back the Moped was still there so we called the non-emergency number to see if anyone had reported one stolen. So we waited around for the cop to get there so he would know he was at the right place. Made it back and I started supper which was ham or turkey sandwiches. Then, after my son and his dad got on my nerves I finally gave in and told him that I was off and that we were going to Columbia. Wish I had of had my camera to take his picture. He had the cutest grin once I told him what the plan was. Well my son thought I was working and he wanted to spend the night with his cousin and I was trying to get him to stay home. Gave in to that too and let him go off with him knowing that he would have to be home early the next morning. While is aunt was there picking him up a car pulled into the street in front of my house and just sat there with there break lights on. Now this was scary to me knowing that who ever was in this car knew that my son and just left and I didn't know if they knew someone else was at my house or not but anyways I called Allen and he came over and come to find out it was 2 women just sitting in a car which that had just put in park right before Allen got there. Now I'm just curious as to why these 2 women would just park and leave the car running with gas as high as it is???? Now the funny thing I guess you could say they actually pulled into a drive way and after a few minutes one of the ladies got in the van that was parked in the drive way and the other one went into the house. This totally confused me as to why they just didn't pull in the drive way and cut the car off and finish talking. I think I've decided to call the cops next time so this lady will know that she is making a neighbor very scared. Is it just me or was this not just crazy???
OK got up Saturday morning and got ready to go and sat and read until the boys got there to leave. We went through the drive thru for breakfast and took off. :) Made it to Columbia Mall safe and sound, and I walked my legs off. Left there and stopped by Books-a-Million and I bet I was in there almost an hour ... would have stayed longer if I had of had more time. :) Seems like every time I get to go to a book store my son is past ready to go so I have to cut my time short. :( Guess I need to start out at the book store first. :) Left Columbia got on the interstate and glanced at a sign that I thought said Clinton was 7 miles and I was excited just to realize it wasn't Clinton on that sign. LOL So anyways we booked it home and I dropped the boys off at home and I went home and read until I crashed I think. No I didn't either ... I went to Chick-fil-A and got me and my parents supper and went to their house and we walked after supper ... then I went home and crashed. (I'm telling you I'm getting old ... LOL)
Then is was Saturday. I got up and got sort of ready to go walk. Then I started in on my house work while I waited for my sister to get there so we could go walk. We ended up deciding that we would go to Wal-Mart to walk so I had to change my clothes, put on a tad of make-up and fix my hair. I think we were at Wal-Mart for 2 hours ... I actually tried one on the samples which was a Cesar salad and I liked it so I got the ingredients to make it. :) I also bought me a reclining outdoor chair. So after my sister left I heated up this chicken breast I bought in a pouch with barbecue sauce with a 90 second rice bag I bought and mixed those together and had that for lunch. Then I grabbed my book and headed outside to try out the new chair ... let me tell you I dosed off to sleep and my sister called and I jumped from the phone scaring me ... LOL. Got off the phone with her and I went inside and laid down in my bed and slept 2 hours. Got up and got ready and took off to JcPenny's and Wal-Mart, to see if I could find some light long sleeve shirts to wear while in my car or just to go outside in. I had saw a shirt in Columbia that I would have liked to of had but I didn't like the price ... it was over $80. I ended up getting 2 white shirts at JcPenny's one was regular price and one was .88 cents. :) Then at Wal-Mart found a shirt I liked it was on clearance for $3.00 and got to the register and it was .85 cents. Left there and debated on Star Bucks or Dairy Queen and finally decided I wanted Star Bucks. It was so GOOD!!!! (I had one Friday at the mall in Columbia.) Got home read for about 30 minutes and crashed. That was my Saturday.
Well then I got up Sunday morning very weak ... in fact so weak it hurt to walk across the floor. So I got back into bed and slept until 12. I was starving when I got up so I heated up the rice and chicken I had left from the day before and grabbed my book. :) You'd think I'd be finished with that book by now but I'm not. :( Oh and I went to Star Bucks around 2 to meet Allen and got the Frappuccino® Vanilla Bean Venti which that sizes has 600 calories... well the Grande has 470 and oh yeah there is an 8 oz difference in the cup sizes. Hmmmm if you don't get the whipped cream which I really don't care for the Venti has 490 calories. That sounds lots better. :) The Grande has 350 calories without the whipped cream. Not sure about the other flavors but I know that the Vanilla Bean is my favorite.
Well I got to stop here but that was pretty much my Sunday besides leaving Star Bucks and reclining on the couch and reading until bed time.
Posted by ~Tina's Blog~ at 4:28 PM 0 comments